We help Christian entrepreneurs build healthy, mission-oriented businesses so they can profitably live their God-given vision. 

Hi, I'm Bobby Klein

In my 10-year entrepreneurial journey, I have built several multi-million dollar start-up businesses, and through it all I've had many up and down moments. I learned lessons the hard way... through pain. Don't get me wrong, pain is an incredible teacher, but I don't want it to be that way for you. Kiros Coaching is me harnessing all of my experiences and lessons into a learning and coaching environment, so you can experience less pain and  more success in your business. When challenges come, you have the support needed to get through it with a community of like-minded friends. I am a resource for you to understand EXACTLY what it takes to get your business off the ground and succeed. 



Does the following resonate?...

You know that the more territory you take in business the more influence you have in the kingdom. 

You have gotten to the point where you are ready and willing for "whatever it takes" direction, but need help to know what that direction is. 

You find yourself with a great business idea, great people, but still need that X factor for explosive growth. 

You have trusted and maybe even hired agencies, "experts," or even been in other business groups, but you still have not seen the major breakthrough you have always envisioned for your life. 

In my journey as an entrepreneur, I have recognized that my biggest growth has come from "Kairos" moments. 

Kairos is a biblical concept in which there is a profound intersection where divine intervention meets human actions, propelling us towards extraordinary achievements.

My coaching methodology centers around recognizing these Kairos moments and utilizing them as catalysts for timely success.

This takes a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and is something developed with a community of Christ followers. 

This is why I am starting the Kiros Mastermind.

Together, we will decipher the signs and signals that establish the arrival of a Kairos opportunity, empowering you to make confident, well-timed decisions. 

The following is a list some of the Kairos decisions I have made in my life that launched me into 10x growth.

  • Paying $40k+ to work with my first business coach in 2018 – establishing priceless learnings and habits that formed my future business success. 
  • Firing 20 marketing agency clients in one week, to only work with one client – becoming CEO, gaining 45% equity and building this company to a $5 million valuation in 4 years.
  • Asking a single mom of a 6 & 8 year old to marry me – having two more children to creating a family of 6. 
  • Despite all odds, applying and qualifying for my wife and I's first home – gaining $400k+ in equity over 3.5 years. 
  • Pitching an equity deal to a start up in 2022, gaining 33% equity– building that company to $1.1 million in revenue and multiple 6-figures in net profit. 
  • Selling my home in 2023 and giving a significant portion to my start-up non profit, God Story, whose mission is to tell stories of the power of the living God through film. 

When we  learn to surrender to a larger plan it sometimes takes massive action; yet it is impossible to take on this type of life alone.  

The Kiros Mastermind is built specifically for those who want the support needed to create kingdom-focused impact in the world. 

As a group, we will unlock the full potential of your life and business by aligning your actions with the divine, funneling all efforts into your kingdom calling.

We focus on christ as the center and everything else falls into place. Together, we will take territory for the kingdom.

If this resonates with you, join us in the Kiros Mastermind, click any of the links on the page to sign up, see you on the inside. 

Kiros Mastermind

Thursdays, 12pm-1:30pm PST

Mastermind Benefits

Weekly Group Zoom Calls
(Thursdays, 12pm-1:30pm)

Learn from experienced business leaders, get support for specific issues, and get prayer for your business and life. Get accountable, take territory, make a difference. 

In-Person Meet Ups

Let's break bread together, join the group for an extended meeting time. We will be live and in-person with a provided meal at various locations. 

Office Hours Support 

Have an issue? Don't wait until the next call to get a quick answer. Text your question to the Kiros thread and get support from myself and the group. 

Kiros Curriculum

Every tool needed to grow from $0 to $1 million in revenue and beyond, from cashflow to mission statements to tech stacks all available on demand.  (Coming Soon).

Included Video Courses

The 52 Week Cashflow

Your new CFO—know exactly where you've come from and where you are going. The ultimate "know your numbers" document curated just for your business. 

Mission Possible

Business is difficult and most people give up within 2-5 years. This course helps you develop your  greater "why" that will keep you motivated to succeed. 

7 Business Need To Knows

The seven things every business needs to succeed. Set yourself up for success by mastering these concepts and implementing them into your business. 

These and many more courses launching October 2023. 

Join the mastermind today, $500/month 


If you are not finding value that exceeds the monthly dues, get 100% of your money back. 


What If I miss a meeting?

Everything in this program is to give you the support needed to succeed in business and life, but showing up is up to you. It is understood that there will be times you will miss, but just like everything in life, you will get out of this group as much as you put into it. 

I live out of town can I still join?

While we would love to have you join us for the in-person meetings, that may be difficult if you are out of town, but the mastermind portion of these monthly meetings will be broadcasted on Zoom so you can still participate. 

Join the mastermind today, $500/month 
